Best Linux Distro for a New Linux User
Needless to say, Linux operating system has taken the world by storm and has given the other standard operating systems a good run for their money.
Linux has many distributions that has been created since the initial release of Linux in the 90s, and all distributions have updates that come out once or twice every year.
However, many distros can be difficult to use, especially if you are new to the Linux biz.
For this reason, we have compiled a list of good Linux distros that can be relatively easy for beginners to use, so that you can get a head start in the Linux biz.
Here are some of the easy-to-use Linux distros for new Linux folks:
If you do not know Ubuntu, then you are a new and fresh baby in the Linux biz. Just a little research into Linux operating system and you will find enough information about Ubuntu. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution and one of the easiest (if not the easiest) to use. Many people love Ubuntu because it is generally created for personal computers and universal usability.
It has a generally easy installation procedure, and it breaks the notion that Linux must have something to do with Command Line. For these and many other reasons, Ubuntu is one of the best Linux distros for new Linux users.

Linux Mint
Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distro, apart from Ubuntu. Forgetting the name that Ubuntu has, and the popularity gotten from lovers of Linux, Linux Mint is probably the best distro for new beginners in the world of Linux. Unlike many other distros Linux has come up with, Linux Mint does not require you to install plugins, Java and other related components, or media codecs.
This means less stress for new and average users, and you will have an added advantage if you use a laptop or powerful desktop.
If you are a former user of the Windows operating system, the Linux Mint is one of the best Linux distro to get you started.

Zorin OS
Zorin OS calls itself a worthy replacement for the Windows OS. That is a pretty big boot to fill, considering that majority of computer users are windows users, but Zorin has somehow managed to live up to that expectation. It is the best Linux distro to get you started if you used Windows formerly, no doubt. It has a Windows-like interface and a desktop styled like Windows 10 to make things easier for a Windows user.

Elementary OS
Elementary OS is aesthetically one of the best Linux distributions around, but there is much more to it than its beauty. It is simple, elegant and clean. It has a simple dock at the bottom and a panel on top, a simple design for any new person coming into the world of Linux. It could work as a fast and open replacement for Windows OS, and an easy way for you to blend into the Linux OS if you are new to it.